What is the Purpose of the Accord?

Signatories are committing to building a more inclusive society for all members of the Thunder Bay community by implementing the recommendations of the following reports: The Seven Youth Inquest, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Creation of the Resource Guide

The Accord was signed on June 19, 2018, by members of a newly formed Coalition of the largest public employers in the city. All committed to establishing goals and reporting on progress to address racism and discrimination in the community.

Following adoption of the Accord, key Coalition staff members worked together to create a Resource Guide to help members and new partners implement the Accord for their respective organizations.

The Resource Guide was approved by the Coalition in June 2021, and it will be reviewed every three years to ensure it is still relevant and serves its members, and through them, the overall community at large. Read the Members Resources Guide